
  1.  Monographs and Books

Soltan, A.* (2016): Economic Geology: Lecture Notes. Lambert Academic Publishing, 164 pp.

Pöllmann, H., Soltan, A.* (2015):   التماثل - الاثنتا والثلاثون مجموعة نقطية - المعادن واشكالها, pp. 193.


  1. Research Articles


Ziad Khaled, Alaa Mohsen, AbdelMonem Soltan, Mohamed Kohail (2023): Optimization of kaolin into Metakaolin: Calcination Conditions, mix design and curing temperature to develop alkali activated binder. Ain Shams Engineering Journal,


Yahya, A., Soltan, A., Mahani, R., El-Kaliouby, B., Kenawy, S., & Hamzawy, E. (2022). Electrical, Microstructural and Physical characteristics of talc-based cordierite ceramics. Silicon, 1-19

Alaa Mohsen, M. Ramadan, Mahmoud Gharieb, Ahmed Yahya, AbdelMonem Soltan, M. M. Hazem (2022). Rheological behaviour, mechanical performance, and anti-fungal activity of OPC-granite waste composite modified with zinc  oxide dust. Journal of Cleaner Production 341



Ahmed Yahya, Baher El-Kalioby, AbdelMonem Soltan, Sayed Kanawy, Esmat Hamzawy (2021). Cordierite ceramic through glass and ceramic routes from kaolin and talc. Egyptian Journal of Chemistry, 64(4), 1751-1758.&rlm

Mohamed Farouk, AbdelMonem Soltan, Steffen Schlüter, Esmat Hamzawy, Ali Farrag, Ahmed El-Kammar, Ahmed Yahia, Herbert Pollmann (2021): Optimization of microstructure of basalt-based fibers intended for improved thermal and acoustic insulations. Journal of Building Engineering.


Hamzawy, E, M, A., Soltan, A. M., El Kalioubi, B and Yahya, A, M., (2018): Characterization of Abu Khruq Nepheline Syenite and its compensation with soda-lime-glass for preparation of glass-ceramic. Egyptian Geological Society, v.62, p. 335-348.


Soltan, A.*, El-Shimy, H., Abd EL-Raoof, F., Fuchs, F., König, A., Yahya, A., AbdelFattah, M., Serry, M., Pöllmann, H. (2018): Microstructure and phase composition of cordierite-based co-clinker. Ceramics International, vol. 44, 5855-5866 pp.


Soltan, A.*, Pöhler, K., Fuchs, F., Abd EL-Raoof, F., El-Kaliouby, B., König, A., Pöllmann, H. (2016): Clay-bricks from recycled rock tailings. Ceramics International, vol. 42, 16685-16696 pp.

Soltan, A.*, Kahl, W., Abd EL-Raoof, F., El-Kaliouby, B., Serry, M., Abdel-Kader, N. (2016): Lightweight aggregates from mixtures of granite wastes with clay. Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 117, 139–149 pp.

Alaabed, S.*, Soltan, A., Abdelghany, O., El Tokhi, M., Mahmoud, B. (2016). Assessment of the UAE Limestones for the Production of Quicklime. 4th Fujairah International Forum for Rocks & Mining Expo. Fujairah, UAE. (Oral Presentation)

Alaabed S*, Soltan, A., Abdelghany, O., El Tokhi, M., Mahmoud, B. (2016). Calcination of the UAE Limestones, A Laboratory Experiment. 2nd International Conference on Geology, Dubai, UAE. (Oral Presentation)


Soltan, A.*, Pöllmann, H., Kaden, R., König, A., Abd EL-Raoof, F., Eltaher, M., Serry, M. (2015): Degradation of aluminosilicate refractories: An integrated approach. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, vol. 35, 4573–4592 pp.

Soltan, A.*, Serry, M. (2015): Effect of micro-fabric and micro-chemistry on improvement of hydration and slag attack resistance of ilmenite-doped refractory lime. Mineralogy and Petrology, Vol. 109, 35–44 pp.


Soltan, A.*, Wendschuh, M., Willims, H., Serry, S. (2014): Densification and resistance to hydration and slag attack of ilmenite-doped MgO-dolomite refractories in relation to their thermal equilibrium and microfabric. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, Vol. 34, No. 8: 2023–2033 pp.

Soltan, A.*, Serry, A. (2014): Influence of thermal equilibrium and micro-fabric of dense zircon-doped dolomite refractories on their rate of hydration and slag attack. European Journal of Mineralogy, Vol. 26, 657-665 pp. 

Alaabed, S., Soltan, A.*, Abdel-Ghani, O., Bahaa Eddin, M., ElTokhi, M., Khalil, A., Musalim, A. (2014): United Arab Emirates limestones: impact of petrography on thermal behavior. Mineralogy and Petrology, Vol. 108, No. 6, 837-852 pp.


Alaabed, S., Soltan, A.*, Abdelghany, O., Mahmoud, B., ElTokhi, M., Abbas, K., Musalim, A. (2013): Emirati limestones: Impact of low temperature microstructure on the industrial applications. 11th International Council for Applied Mineralogy (ICAM) Congress. (Oral Presentation)

Soltan, A.*, Waleed, O. (2013): Assessment of ornamental stone waste as expansive soil stabilizer. 11th International Council for Applied Mineralogy (ICAM) Congress. (Poster Presentation)

Soltan, A.*, Michael, W., Willims, H, Serry, M. (2013): Hydration and slag-attack resistance of dense MgO-dolomite refractory grains in relation to their phase composition and microfabric. 11th International Council for Applied Mineralogy (ICAM) Congress. (Oral Presentation)


Soltan, A.*, Kahl, W.-A., Wendschuh, M., Hazem, M. (2012): Microstructure and reactivity of calcined mud supported limestones. Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy, vol. 121, no. 1, 5-11 pp.

Soltan, A.* (2012): Effect of limestone physico-mechanical parameters on calcination verified models. Egyptian Journal of Geology, vol. 56, 543-557 pp. 

Tawfik, A.*, Soltan, A., El-Hemaly, S., Abd-Raof, F. (2012): Marble stone waste as a raw material for autoclaved sand-lime bricks. Interceram, Vol. 61, No. 3, 96-100 pp.

Soltan, A.*, (2012): Effect of limestone physico-mechanical parameters on calcination verified models. The international forum and exhibition on economics of mineral resources in the Arab countries (Ecominex), Al-Azhar University, Egypt. (Oral Presentation)


Soltan, A.*, Serry M., (2011): Impact of limestone microstructure on the calcination activation energy. Advances in Applied Ceramics, no. 7, vol. 11, 409-416 pp.

Soltan, A.*, Kahl, W.-A., Hazem, M., Wendschuh, M., Fischer, R. (2011): Thermal microstructural changes of grain-supported limestones. Mineralogy and Petrology, vol. 103, no. 1-4, 9-17pp.

Soltan, A.*, Taman, Z. I. and El-Kaliouby, B. A., (2011): Recycling of ornamental stones hazardous wastes. Natural Resources, vol. 2, no. 4, 244-249 pp. 

Soltan, A.*, Serry, M. (2011): Impact of limestone microstructure on calcinations activation energgy. 31st Cement and Concrete Science, Imperial College London. (Oral Presentation)

Soltan, A.*, Kahl, W.-A., Wendchau, M., Fischer, R., Hazem, M. (2011): Calcination Microstructural Behaviour of Mud-supported limestones. 31st Cement and Concrete Science, Imperial College London. (Poster)

Soltan, A.*, Awad, S., El-Ansary, G. (2011): Suitability and Optimization of Egyptian Limestones for Quicklime Production. 31st Cement and Concrete Science, Imperial College London. (Poster)

Soltan, A.*, Taman, Z., El-Kaliouby, B. (2011): Recycling of Ornamental Stones Hazardous Wastes. 31st Cement and Concrete Science, Imperial College London. (Poster)

Soltan, A.*, Taman, Z., El-Kaliouby, B. (2011): Recycling of Shak Al-Thoaban Wastes for Lime Production. The international forum and exhibition on economics of mineral resources in the Arab countries (Ecominex), Al-Azhar University, Egypt. (Oral Presentation)


Soltan, A.*, Awad, S., El-Ansary, G. (2010): Applicability of Egyptian limestones for calcination. Applied Earth Science, vol. 119, no. 4, 236-242 pp.

Soltan, A.*, Kahl, W-A., Wendchau, M., Fischer, R., Hazem, M. (2010): Impact of thermal microstructural changes of Egyptian limestones on quicklime reactivity: Mud-supported limestones. The 88th Deutschen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft (DMG), Munster Universitat, Germany. (Poster).

Soltan, A.*, Fischer, R., Hazem, M., Kahl, W-A., Kuss, H. (2010): Impact of thermal microstructural changes of Egyptian limestones on quicklime reactivity. Part 1: Grain-supported limestones. Proceeding of GAW 10 conference, p. 6. (Oral Presentation)


Soltan, A.* (2009): Petrographic modelling of Egyptian limestones for quicklime production. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, vol. 4, no. 5-6, 803-815 pp.

Soltan, A.*, Hazem, M., (2009): Quicklime Reactivity as a Function of Limestone Microstructure and Firing Conditions. The 87th Deutschen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft (DMG), Martin-Luther-Universitat- Halle-Wittenberg, Germany, p. 238. (Oral Presentation)


Abu-zeid, M., Sharaf El-Din, M., Serry, M., Soltan, A.* (2008): Relative importance and impact of the petrographic components of some Egyptian limestones on quicklime production. Proceeding of the third international conference on the Geology of the Tethys, 233-250 pp.

Serry, M., Abu Zeid, M., Sharaf El-Din M., Soltan, A.* (2008): Evaluation of Egyptian Limestones for Quicklime Manufacture. Part 1: Characterization of technological limestone samples for quicklime manufacture. ZKG, No. 5, 68-77 pp.

Serry, M., Abu Zeid, M., Sharaf El-Din, M., Soltan, A.* (2008): Evaluation of Egyptian Limestones for Quicklime Manufacture. Part 2: Factors influencing rate of active-lime liberation of the technological limestone samples. ZKG, No. 6, 61-71 pp.

Soltan, A.* (2008): Optimum petrographic composition and firing conditions for quicklime production. The 28th Cement and Concrete Science Conference, Manchester University, UK. (Oral Presentation)

Abu-zeid, M., Sharaf El-Din, M., Serry, M., Soltan, A.* (2008): Relative importance and impact of the petrographic components of some Egyptian limestones on quicklime production. Proceeding of the third international conference on the Geology of the Tethys, pp. 233-250. (Oral Presentation)


Ibrahim, D., Abdel Aziz, D., Awad, S., Soltan, A.* (2004): Utilization of black shales in earthenware recipes. Ceramics International, 30, 829-835 p. 

* = Corresponding author, Speaker